Mexican Haircuts That Are Traditional Yet Trendy

There are numerous Mexican haircuts that are in style today. Melly Mel, Takuache Haircut, and The Buzz Cut are among the most popular options. Most Mexican hairstyles, however, are Edgar hairstyles, which keep the front hair intact with straight fringes or bangs but taper the sides. By choosing the Edgar hairstyle, you can maintain any hair texture, such as wavy or curly hair. Hispanics and Chaldeans alike love Edgar’s hairstyle, one of the most popular Hispanic haircuts. 

Mexican hairstyles for men worth considering

Mexican Haircuts

Mexican Taper Fade

With the Mexican fade haircut, you can add contrast and boldness to your look, as well as remove bulk from your hair. With the Mexican Taper Fade, thick Mexican hair is easier to manage. The top and bottom of this haircut have little difference between them, which makes it a great choice for anyone looking for a simple haircut.

Buzz Cut Hispanic Hair

One of the best-known traditional Mexican hairstyles for Hispanic women is a buzz cut. Your top and sides will have more hair with this hairstyle. You can show that nothing is hidden behind your locks with such a hairstyle. You will also be able to accentuate your facial features with it.

Also, read Edgar Haircuts: Why are they so controversial?

Faux Hawk Mexican Haircut

Fake hawks are one of the Hairstyles for Mexicans that complement an undercut, fade, or taper on the side. It is possible to incorporate spiked-up styling. Consider a single spike across your entire head if you don’t want to create separate spikes.

Edgar Haircut

A Hispanic hairstyle for men such as Edgar’s is popular. There will never be a time when this haircut will not be in style. Takuache haircuts or Edgar haircuts are extremely versatile. You won’t look out of place wearing it to both casual and formal events.

To further enhance the fashion of your overall look, consider wearing some fashion accessories such as Acrylic Pins

As a detailed accent, these small but beautifully crafted accessories can add sophistication to your overall look. Whether it’s a simple geometric shape or a creative patterned design, acrylic pins can be the finishing touch to your overall look, allowing your fashionable attitude to be displayed in the details.

Short, Spiky Mexican Haircut

Men with short hair who lack body should try the spiky Mexico hairstyle, one of the Hispanic hairstyles for men. A fuller mane is accentuated by short spikes, while textured locks add dimension. With the application of hair styling products, you can emphasize the tips of random strands.

Medium Curls

The natural hair structure of Hispanics with curly hair is best suited to this style. Let your curly locks grow to a medium length and hang loosely. 

Short Side Swept Mexican Haircut

Adding a fade or taper haircut to the back and sides of a short side swept Mexican haircut allows the barber to keep the hair on top. You will also be able to maintain a neater and cleaner appearance with this style.

The Quiff

For its timeless appeal, the Quiff is one of the most versatile and sophisticated Latino haircuts. Featuring a short back and sides, this hairstyle has voluminous, textured hair on top, styled into a quiff. The hair will give you a refined and polished appearance.

Also, read What Is a Taper Haircut?


There is a mix of classic cuts and modern trends in Mexican male hairstyles. You can rest assured that you’ll get the Mexican guy’s version of a traditional Caesar, fringe, or even buzz cut if you choose the popular style. Retro chic is a great way to enhance masculinity when you choose one of the styles mentioned above. Mexican haircuts and short hairstyles are the most popular Latina hairstyles. 

Mexico’s male hairstyles are popular with Latino youth due to their fashionable nature. It is easy to maintain low-maintenance hairstyles with minimal styling. They are all rooted in the Mexican Takuache aesthetic and serve as symbolic expressions of youth and identity.


  • Jayden Ward

    I am Jayden Ward, the owner and creator of, a dedicated platform focused on providing comprehensive guides and insights into taper fade haircuts. With a passion for hairstyling and a keen eye for detail, I aim to empower individuals to achieve the perfect taper fade, whether for personal styling or professional grooming.

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